Teenage Pop Sensation ANNA GOLDSMITH Wants You To Create Your Own Path And Not Be A ‘Follower’ In New Single

Creating your own path and being proud of yourself is the message behind Anna Goldsmith's latest single, "Follower."

Living by her own words with her writing, performances and personal life, Anna Goldsmith is a 15-year-old multi-instrumentalist and musical force, focusing on her talents and her desire to create music and share messages of kindness, hope and confidence.

Goldsmith's "Follower" explores new situations....and choices. "I was in my room thinking of song ideas and I remembered when I was a little kid, sometimes when I was in a situation that was new to me, I had voices in my head telling me what to do.  Sometimes it was the right thing and other times, the wrong thing. I learned how to deal with the voices and to make my own path, write my own story, all through my music."  


And "Follower" isn't only catching the attention of Goldsmith’s fans across her social media channels. She has the backing of some big names in the industry who are eagerly waiting to work with her on her music and promoting the young dynamo's career.


For music to flow with her lyrics, Goldsmith connected with BluePurple Records through Instagram. "They reached out to me directly, and I had so much fun recording and working on “Follower” with them. The team at the label create the music, and I write the lyrics and record the vocals and we collaborate from there. It’s been an amazing way to meet people and collaborate."


Anna loves nothing more than singing on stage and entertaining a crowd and while she's at it, she wants to help people too.  "My goal is to relate to people and show them it is amazing to be themselves and make sure everyone knows they are not alone."


When she isn't writing songs and entertaining, Anna is a great example for others as a volunteer with youth-centred groups, providing needed support to at-risk-youth.  


The rising star has gained a growing legion of fans as part of 16 stage musicals and appears in the indie short, Sara Snow and the Seven Dancers which she wrote and recorded her past single “Shine" for.  It was a song that shared a message of hope, solidarity, support, and unwavering camaraderie, a message for all ages, remarkable considering she was just 13 when she wrote it. 


This year, Goldsmith has seen her YouTube stock rising, her social media followers exploding, and her music career skyrocketing, including multiple song and video releases over the past year, including performing at Friday Harbour, Revival Bar, the Block Co., the El Mocambo, and the Chelsea Music Hall in New York City.


As her talents continue to develop and grow, naturally with this momentum, there is so much more to come from Anna Goldsmith, and there’s no stopping her now. She says, "I am currently working on 2 more songs with BluePurple Records, and hopefully eventually a whole album.  I love a rock vibe, heavy guitar, and have so many song ideas!"


Best to become a “Follower” of hers now, then.


Rising Music Star Anna Goldsmith On The 5 Things You Need To Shine In The Music Industry


Anna Goldsmith shares her latest single, “Follower” (Interview)